16 January 2023

Blue & Gold Babies


This is difficult to photograph because the babies are wiggly and lighting is tricky, but it's neat so I wanted to show it to y'all if I could. The babies have dichroic eyes (two colors in one eye), which is somewhat unusual. They both have it, and in both eyes, which is also unusual. In their case, gold eyes with blue around the pupil. Marigold's blue and gold are lighter than Butterfly's. It's also easier to see when their pupils aren't so large, but they're almost always wound up, so... hard to photograph. Maybe you can see it.

Also, this is just for you, Laura! On my 8 January post, Laura pointed out they have little floofs below their ears, in addition to their Magnificent Ear Floofs, which cracked me up! Bonus wee ear floofs!

You can even see them in silhouette! Lol!

More ear floof. (I think this looks like an album cover.)

That's the baby update. Have a wonderful week!


  1. What a cool and interesting thing regarding their eyes! Their floofiness is pretty. Have a good week, Honeybee!

  2. I can see the blue in their eyes. Thank You for the update on your beautiful babies! You have a good week also.
    Darlene N

  3. Oh so cute , yes you can see two colours in the eyes .

  4. They are so adorable floofs and all. I definitely can see the two-toned eye color. So pretty.

  5. Their eyes are beautiful.
    Love the floofs too.
    They are so cute.

  6. Honeybee: They are so beautiful, the faces are adorable, coloring is amazing.
    I can see a little mischief in their eyes.
    So sweet.


  7. Gorgeous little bundles of joy.

  8. Sqweeee!!!! Ear floofs!!!! šŸ˜ šŸ˜ and what beautiful eyes!!!! šŸ˜ šŸ˜

  9. Their eyes really are beautiful, and that's so neat there are two colors! I love the ear floofs too. It's fun to get a kitten update. Hope you're having a good week and enjoying some time to stitch.
