04 July 2024

Summer Birds, So Far


How bright and cheerful and fun is this?! This is my progress so far on my Summer Birds project and I have to say, it's turning out exactly as I had envisioned it and I'm having a blast stitching all these birds! I wanted a colorful jumble of birds in a variety of styles, and I think I'm well on my way to achieving that. Although I don't have many yet, I'm looking forward to getting these finished so I can begin working on my display. It will be a bit sparse at first, but I hope to fill it in over the rest of the summer. 

These just make me smile.

Hope y'all have a wonderful Independence Day and a safe and peaceful holiday weekend. The month of June was a little wild at the Wonderful household, but we made it through and I am tired! I would love to spend this long weekend in the sewing room, reclaiming it and getting some work done. We'll see. 

Enjoy the holiday and Happy Stitching!