30 May 2024

Summer Birds: Goldfinch


I am steaming along with my summer birds projects! Latest finish is this realistic Goldfinch from this Etsy shop. I stitched him with the recommended DMC (except for the blue highlight on top of his head, which I omitted) on pale yellow fabric. When choosing my designs for this project, I didn't try to stick with a certain style, I just picked out what I liked: realistic, whimsical, highly stylized, etc. And I'm stitching them on colorful fabrics, so the look I'm hoping for is a sort of busy, bustling, cheerful little flock of stitched birds in all shapes and styles and colors. I am really enjoying this project. Four finishes so far, and a notebook full of birds to choose from! Who will be next?


  1. Oh he is beautiful , what great colours .
    Have a great weekend , hugs June.

  2. The Goldfinch is so pretty!

  3. What a beauty you have stitched, Honeybee! As always, thank you for the link and for enabling!

  4. Another lovely little bird for your summer bird project! The goldfinch is very pretty, and I love the pale yellow fabric you chose. It's such a treat to see them when they visit our bird feeder.
