16 June 2024

Summer Birds: Baltimore Oriole


My latest addition to my Summer Birds collection is an adorably chunky Baltimore Oriole. If you've never seen one, they are rather sleek, and not chunky like Chickadees or Juncos, but I loved this little guy. They are beautiful birds, and their bright orange coloring makes them look almost tropical. I stitched him on PTP Flash, which unfortunately is no longer available. I found some on clearance years ago, and when I realized it was being discontinued, I stocked up. Although I'm not a huge fan of orange in general, I really love this fabric color, and it's also great for Halloween designs. I'm sure there's something similar available somewhere. 

Hope y'all are enjoying summer and getting lots of stitching done. I am loving all this bird stitching!


  1. Lovely.
    Greetings, Gabi

  2. It's so cute!
    We have a lot of Orioles here, the males are as orange as the house hanger which we put jelly on, we are filling it everyday!
    They are absolutely beautiful.
    You are going to have a nice collection of little birds.

  3. He's so pretty. We see one maybe once a year in our Trumpet Vine.

  4. This one is so pretty, Honeybee. I like its chunkiness.

  5. What a great stitch , love the bird so much .
    Enjoy your day hugs June.

  6. What an adorable little Oriole.

  7. What an adorable little bird! I was lucky to see a Baltimore Oriole once a number of years ago, and they're just beautiful! I'm really enjoying all your bird stitching, it will be a lovely collection to display.
