30 July 2024

Naptime With the Werewolves

When there's a loud lightning strike nearby...

...but it's okay to go to sleep because you're under the blanket with mama. 

Why were the three of us passed out in the middle of the day? Because I took a nasty virus Saturday evening that came with a very persistent fever that didn't break until Tuesday morning. So I've spent most of the last three days asleep, which is a terrible waste of stitching time. When we get sick, the goal is to be just sick enough that we can't do housework, but not too sick to stitch. Right? 

Anyway, there's been a lot of sleeping around here. A lot.

Fuzzy werewolf paws

Think I've finally turned the corner, as my Grandmother would say. Probably not strong enough to do laundry but I should be able to stitch!😂


  1. Ugh, especially bad to be sick in the summer. The cats are adorable!

  2. I'm not sure what's cuter- the werewolves or the kitty pattern on that blanket! I hope you feel better soon. :-)

  3. How lovely, the kitties gave a smile to me. They look adorable. Oh yes, the blanket to hide is a good cover. Our little doggy loves his blanket too.
    Have a wonderful day, Gabi

  4. So sorry , summer colds are not nice get better soon .
    Stitching is good for getting better , good to have the babies with you.
    Hugs June.

  5. The werewolves are so pretty.
    Glad they snuggled with you.
    I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Glad you’re feeling better and you have had beautiful company. But I would go slow getting chores done just relax and stitch and let your energy come back😉 take care
    Darlene N

  7. I am sorry you were sick, but you had adorable companions to nap with. I hope you are feeling better. And yes, one should be sick enough not to be able to do chores, but be able to stitch.

  8. We have 2 cats and one will go under the couch when it rumbles and when there are fireworks. The other one runs to the window and watches it. So different. We have the same cat fleece blanket. I bought the fabric right before we adopted our kittens so they would have blankets to sleep on.

  9. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! Must be the work of your two devoted nurses . . . .

  10. Glad you are feeling better. I am sure your speedy recovery is due to your vibrating heating pads. They are so cute. Stitchinrose

  11. hope you and the kitties feel better soon. enjoy some stitching time,I hear it helps heal you. hugs Lynda Ruth

  12. I'm sorry to hear you were sick, but I'm glad you had your furry companions to keep you company. They're very pretty, and they look very contented too! Hope you're continuing to feel better and have been able to get back to stitching! Take care.

  13. I'm glad you're feeling better (I know this was a few weeks ago, but I'm just catching up again...). Your kitties are precious. I really enjoy your updates and only read your blog when I can devote the proper time (and cup of coffee) to read every little bit.
