10 June 2024

May Basket


Just a couple of small changes to this one: I used DMC Blanc instead of GAST Picket Fence to make the flowers a bit brighter, and I used CC Blue Moon instead of GAST Uniform Blue to soften the blue.

We're by ourselves again this week as Mr. Wonderful is TDY. As usual, I have sewing room plans. Today I spent a lot of time prepping my next few projects: the Owl Forest Nimble Birds sampler I showed a few posts ago, a couple more summer birds, a fox (!), and June Basket. I like to have 4 or 5 projects all ready to go so when I finish one I can immediately pick up the next one. It takes me a while to pull threads, choose fabric, and cut and press it, which is why I like to prepare several at once. I even go ahead and mark the center so all I have to do is pop it on the q-snap and start stitching. 

My next major sewing room job is reorganizing the cubby shelves where I store all my stash. I have three units that cover one whole wall and they need a re-think. Hopefully I can get that done this week.

As always, I have finishing and framing waiting. I'd like to get started on my birds so I can display them and just add to them throughout the summer, but that may have to wait just a bit.

Busy, busy, busy. So thankful to have such a soothing hobby to keep my mind and hands peacefully occupied. 


  1. May Basket is pretty.
    Sounds like you will get a lot done.
    Have fun doing that!

  2. May Basket is pretty😍have fun rearranging your cubby's!

  3. I love the look of May basket .
    Have a fun week hugs June.

  4. May's basket is lovely, Honeybee. I love the blue of the basket. I hope you have a productive time in the sewing room while Mr. Wonderful is TDY.
