21 June 2024

A Recipe For You


While looking for snack recipes to try for Mr. Wonderful, I found this one for protein balls/energy bites, made half a recipe as an experiment, and proceeded to eat most of them myself (not all at once, y'all). I love this recipe. It's easy and has everything you need in a little pick-me-up snack: protein (peanut butter and protein powder), a quick-releasing carb (maple syrup), and a slow-releasing carb (oatmeal). I also added 1/4 cup of mini chocolate chips, because... chocolate. They're delicious, and keep very well in the fridge. I used a small cookie scoop and got about a dozen and a half from a halved recipe. For me, one is usually enough if I'm feeling a bit crashy. 


16 June 2024

Summer Birds: Baltimore Oriole


My latest addition to my Summer Birds collection is an adorably chunky Baltimore Oriole. If you've never seen one, they are rather sleek, and not chunky like Chickadees or Juncos, but I loved this little guy. They are beautiful birds, and their bright orange coloring makes them look almost tropical. I stitched him on PTP Flash, which unfortunately is no longer available. I found some on clearance years ago, and when I realized it was being discontinued, I stocked up. Although I'm not a huge fan of orange in general, I really love this fabric color, and it's also great for Halloween designs. I'm sure there's something similar available somewhere. 

Hope y'all are enjoying summer and getting lots of stitching done. I am loving all this bird stitching!

10 June 2024

May Basket


Just a couple of small changes to this one: I used DMC Blanc instead of GAST Picket Fence to make the flowers a bit brighter, and I used CC Blue Moon instead of GAST Uniform Blue to soften the blue.

We're by ourselves again this week as Mr. Wonderful is TDY. As usual, I have sewing room plans. Today I spent a lot of time prepping my next few projects: the Owl Forest Nimble Birds sampler I showed a few posts ago, a couple more summer birds, a fox (!), and June Basket. I like to have 4 or 5 projects all ready to go so when I finish one I can immediately pick up the next one. It takes me a while to pull threads, choose fabric, and cut and press it, which is why I like to prepare several at once. I even go ahead and mark the center so all I have to do is pop it on the q-snap and start stitching. 

My next major sewing room job is reorganizing the cubby shelves where I store all my stash. I have three units that cover one whole wall and they need a re-think. Hopefully I can get that done this week.

As always, I have finishing and framing waiting. I'd like to get started on my birds so I can display them and just add to them throughout the summer, but that may have to wait just a bit.

Busy, busy, busy. So thankful to have such a soothing hobby to keep my mind and hands peacefully occupied. 

04 June 2024