31 August 2024

July Basket


Cruising along through the Cosford Rise Stitchery (Etsy) basket series and having a lovely time with it! The baskets are quick to stitch so it's easy to keep up with monthly finishes, even if you're busy with other things, and of course, they're so pretty! This design includes a number of flag options, and the model is stitched with the flag of the UK, so I hadn't seen a finish with the American flag. I think it's beautiful!

As we head into this holiday weekend, the last weekend of summer (hooray!), I've had to make some adjustments to my stitchy plans. If you've been around lately, you know I've been stitching up a bunch of birds for my summer decorating, and that we've been sick, and that this summer has not gone according to plan. No worries! I have adapted! 

I'm about 2/3 done with my final bird of the summer (a real showstopper). I wanted to get my birds finished/framed in time to display them this summer, but that didn't work out. I am undeterred. I really want to enjoy them so I decided to just go ahead with that plan, instead of bringing out all of my fall/Halloween stitching. (If you missed last year's somewhat over-the-top display, click on the Halloween label in the right sidebar and scroll down a bit.) I have a stack of small Halloween stitches I want to get done, and the new plan is to whip those up and do a smaller display with just my new finishes. So, full speed ahead on Summer Birds, and on a scaled down--but all new!--Halloween display! Fingers crossed I can get some finishing done this weekend. 

Wishing you all a safe and stitchy holiday weekend... we made it to fall, y'all!

PS: Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes for the girls! 


  1. This is another sweet basket, it really is a lovely series! That sounds like a great plan to finish and then display all your wonderful birds plus some new Halloween stitches. I'm really looking forward to seeing your display. Hope you have time for some finishing this weekend as well as relaxing and celebrating the Labor Day holiday. Happy Fall !

  2. Pretty basket with the blue flowers! I'll have to go check out your Halloween post. I'm in a Christmas state of stitching right now but I'll shoehorn in a Halloween small. I plan on FFOing this weekend too!🙂

  3. I love the July basket, Honeybee. The entire series is so pretty, but I think this is my favorite of what you have stitched so far. Happy weekend!

  4. I love the American Flag change out, it is a lovely design.
    Sometimes life gets in the way.


  5. Love the American flag .
    A great theme , enjoy the last few days of Summer.

  6. It's a very nice design.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend with some stitching!
    YAY! Fall!
