I have no idea where I put it, but it's gone. The Tiger Lily vet drama in the first week seemed to set the tone for the rest of the month. That tone was, "No, you're not getting any stitching done this week." I am way behind on my stitchy schedule but I do have a couple of finishes to show. The first is a little freebie that can be found here: http://thestitcherhood.com/freebies.php I stitched it on 28 ct. celery gingham linen with Crescent Colors Blooming Crocus and Eve's Leaves, and Gentle Art Buttercrunch. I added a JABCO butterfly button and some tiny heart buttons I found at Hobby Lobby. A quick, fun stitch. I think I'll be doing the other seasons. Stay tuned.
This one is Texas Home by Redbird Designs, sadly now out of print. This chart was graciously loaned to me by Sandi in Texas. Thank you, Sandi!
Here's the little boot charm I added. It's supposed to be a star, but I had already added a tiny mother-of-pearl star on the flag, so I used a boot.
And here's the stitchy supervisor... supervising. Kinda.
Poor Tiger Lily! She had an unscheduled trip to the vet on Monday and did not feel at all well the first few days of the week. Happily, she is feeling much better and getting plenty of rest.
I'm recovering from Monday as well. With the assistance of a new project...
...and new stash (fabric loveliness from Panda the Stitching Cousin, Spring Garden and Solar, both 32 ct.)...
...and cake. Mostly cake.
As you can see, our week has improved significantly over the disaster that was Monday. Now then, what can I stitch on that delicious fabric?
This is Helping Face. This is the face I see just before a little white paw darts out--lightning fast--and grabs my thread. Which is not, in fact, helpful. Not even a little. Beware of Helping Face.
Here's the bird she was helping me with, October Nuthatch from Button Up Birdies 6 by Victoria Sampler. This is the twelfth bird I've stitched and I have two left to complete the series. I would say about 25% of this one is stitched in cat hair because, you know, I was being helped.
Not sure I'm happy with those leaves (shush, Panda!). I may cut them off and sew on a different kind. Anyway, it's a finish. For now.