Why am I stitching a bat? Short answer: Because he's adorable. Look at that toothy grin. Look at that little snout. And those giant ears. What a goofball. He makes me smile.
Long answer: I've mentioned many times how much I enjoy stitching mandala or geometric style animals. I've done three foxes so far, and have another one ready to go; this is my first non-foxy critter. I have a few birds in my stash, as well. I find them so relaxing. Wilbur (I had to name him if I was going to be staring at that silly face while stitching his giant wings) is the first symmetrical design I've done, but they're all fairly similar, with bright colors in large-ish patches or regular patterns, which makes counting easy and stitching relatively quick. They're available in a variety of styles on Etsy by just searching for mandala or geometric or modern animal cross stitch patterns.
This beautiful fabric is 32 ct. Sandbar by Under the Sea Fabrics. Such a unique color. It reads very neutral and it's hard to find darker neutrals.
Cheerful colors, a nice mix of soft and bright.
Stay tuned to see how Wilbur comes along. When I get him finished I may go ahead and stitch my fourth fox. Unless I get distracted by something else. I have my eye on a couple of Market designs!Happy Stitching!