Over the long holiday weekend, I did a little more tiny baking. If you're new to this concept, see this post or just click on the "food" label. Both of these recipes are from the sadly out-of-print magazine "Baking for Two" that America's Test Kitchen issued last year. Full-sized versions of both these recipes are available to members on their website.
Lemon Buttermilk Cake in a 5" x 7" baking dish (fork is to show scale... also useful for eating)
Cream Cheese Pound Cake in a 3" x 5" loaf pan
Aren't they adorable? Look at that tiny slice of pound cake!
Quick Reference
- Christmas Open House 2014
- Christmas Open House 2015
- Christmas Open House 2016
- Christmas Open House 2017
- Christmas Open House 2018
- Christmas Open House 2019
- Christmas Open House 2020
- Christmas Open House 2021
- Christmas Open House 2022
- Christmas Open House 2023
- Christmas Open House 2024
- How To...
- color conversions
- finishing
30 May 2017
24 May 2017
Summer Reading: Reviving a Tradition
I am a voracious reader. I read every night before I go to sleep, first my Bible, then whatever book I'm devouring. For a long time, I had an annual tradition: at the beginning of every summer, I placed an order with Dover Publications. I read year round, but for some reason, that box of books that arrived in time for summer was special. In recent years, I've let my tradition lapse, but this year I decided to revive it. My box of books arrived last week. I now have a little basket of new books right beside my bed, ready and waiting for summer reading. I suppose it's possible that at some point in the future, I'll get something like a Kindle, but honestly? I can't see myself doing it. I love books, not just reading. I loved seeing my box of books on the doorstep. I loved finding a basket for them, so they could neatly wait for me. I love looking at that basket, and wondering if there's a treasure in there that I'll read over and over. I love my bookshelf, books arranged by color and ranging from Viking history to archaeology to vintage cookery to mysteries.
I must admit that I'm a bit of an odd duck when it comes to reading. I don't read modern fiction. I prefer my books to be older than I am (I'm 45), and the older the better. This is why Dover is my favorite place to shop (also, very good prices). I've also recently discovered a book warehouse in our area that stocks new editions of old books, including a lot of Golden Age mysteries, for $4-5 each. In my summer basket, the most recent book was first published in 1962, the oldest in 1778, with most of the rest falling between the early 1800's and the 1940's. Delicious. The usage of the language is almost as much of a pleasure as the stories themselves. And there's a marked absence of the coarseness that characterizes much modern fiction.
Here are a few favorites from summer book boxes of years past (all from Dover). This 1917 cookbook/novel is absolutely charming. I confess I have a weakness for vintage cookbooks, and I've been known to read them like novels, but this one actually has a story woven into it--or should I say, there are recipes woven into a tale about a new bride's first year of marriage. It's a fascinating time capsule.
The Country of the Pointed Firs (1896): set in Maine; a bit melancholy, but so beautifully written and engaging that I forgave it for making me cry (only book that's ever made me cry).
Cranford (1851): adorable, funny, charming, poignant.
Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen in 1922, and this is his 1923 account of his discovery. Absolutely fascinating. Reminds me I need to read this again. I think I'll pop it into the summer book basket.
I'm a history nerd, so I love old travel journals. This one, published in 1785, is like being transported back to the 1770's and traveling with Johnson and Boswell. And of course, there's Johnson's writing.
If you've never treated yourself to a little stack of new books, give it a go. It's like sending your mind on summer vacation, and who couldn't use that?
20 May 2017
Saturday Sampler: Late Spring Edition
It's been too long since we've had a Saturday Sampler. Let's look around and see what we can find.
First, a very special finish. This little Texas sampler was designed especially for my Texas basket by Holly DeVivo of Misty Hill Studio. It depicts some of the state symbols of Texas: the guitar, the jalapeño pepper, the Ruby Red grapefruit, and the Monarch butterfly. Check out this cool website to see what your state symbols are. Thank you, Holly!
And speaking of my Texas basket, more stash!
Gorgeous Texas wildflower fabric to be used for backing my finishes. Bluebonnets, Indian Paintbrush, Primrose, Mexican Hat...
A beautiful, soft, late spring evening...
Have a lovely weekend, y'all, and happy stitching!
First, a very special finish. This little Texas sampler was designed especially for my Texas basket by Holly DeVivo of Misty Hill Studio. It depicts some of the state symbols of Texas: the guitar, the jalapeño pepper, the Ruby Red grapefruit, and the Monarch butterfly. Check out this cool website to see what your state symbols are. Thank you, Holly!
And speaking of my Texas basket, more stash!
Gorgeous Texas wildflower fabric to be used for backing my finishes. Bluebonnets, Indian Paintbrush, Primrose, Mexican Hat...
Here's what's blooming around here. This is Scotch Broom that I planted the first year we lived in this house. Seven years later, it's huge. I didn't know they got this large when I planted it by the sidewalk!
A beautiful, soft, late spring evening...
Have a lovely weekend, y'all, and happy stitching!
17 May 2017
We need to talk about The Russians.
"The Russians" is what I call my ever-growing hoard of Russian kits. I've never been crazy about kits, partly because the designs usually don't appeal to me, but mostly because I'm always changing fabric and thread colors and it just didn't make sense for me to buy them. I would occasionally buy one if the design really grabbed me, but it wasn't often. However, several years ago, some Russian needlework companies started popping up with US distributors, mainly Riolis and RTO, and more recently, Panna. It was the beginning of the end of my resistance to kits.
So far, I've managed to contain my madness to two main subjects: foxes (!) and Russian themes. I spent all of my college years studying Russia, Russian, and Russians, so I have a weakness for Russian themes. My hoard is growing. Now, I haven't actually stitched any of these kits yet, mind you, but I do have a plan for that. I always have a plan. But first, let's pull out all of The Russians and see what I have!
Lurking in a big box, under the sewing room chair...
First, the foxes. Riolis:
And not Russian, but I'm throwing it in anyway. This is by Luca-S, from Moldova, and I absolutely love it so much I can't stand it.
And in the general Russian themes category, we have these. The street scene reminds me of Sherlock Holmes.
The matryoshka on the left is one of a set of four (this one is winter). I love the Russian domestic scene on the right. It's such an unusual subject for a design; I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.
Russian woman in beautiful traditional dress.
And the jewel of my collection. It doesn't get any more Russian than this: a winter wolf hunt with Borzoi.
This was a total heart-over-head purchase. It was ridiculously expensive (even on sale), and it's huge, but I was a goner the minute I saw it. We all love everything in our stash, and we intend to stitch everything we buy, but there are those rare projects that if you die without having stitched it, you've cheated yourself. This is one of those projects.
So, about that plan. Since my stitching plan for this year is a smoking ruin, beyond rescue, and since I've wandered off in a completely unexpected direction and have taken on creating a Texas basket, I decided to look ahead to next year. I'm considering having a "Russian year" in 2018. Wouldn't that be cool?
So far, I've managed to contain my madness to two main subjects: foxes (!) and Russian themes. I spent all of my college years studying Russia, Russian, and Russians, so I have a weakness for Russian themes. My hoard is growing. Now, I haven't actually stitched any of these kits yet, mind you, but I do have a plan for that. I always have a plan. But first, let's pull out all of The Russians and see what I have!
Lurking in a big box, under the sewing room chair...
First, the foxes. Riolis:
And not Russian, but I'm throwing it in anyway. This is by Luca-S, from Moldova, and I absolutely love it so much I can't stand it.
And in the general Russian themes category, we have these. The street scene reminds me of Sherlock Holmes.
The matryoshka on the left is one of a set of four (this one is winter). I love the Russian domestic scene on the right. It's such an unusual subject for a design; I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.
Russian woman in beautiful traditional dress.
And the jewel of my collection. It doesn't get any more Russian than this: a winter wolf hunt with Borzoi.
This was a total heart-over-head purchase. It was ridiculously expensive (even on sale), and it's huge, but I was a goner the minute I saw it. We all love everything in our stash, and we intend to stitch everything we buy, but there are those rare projects that if you die without having stitched it, you've cheated yourself. This is one of those projects.
So, about that plan. Since my stitching plan for this year is a smoking ruin, beyond rescue, and since I've wandered off in a completely unexpected direction and have taken on creating a Texas basket, I decided to look ahead to next year. I'm considering having a "Russian year" in 2018. Wouldn't that be cool?
09 May 2017
Redbird Designs Catalog: General
After receiving a lot of questions about Redbird Designs, I decided to put together a photo catalog of the designs as a reference for stitchers who are looking for them. Since my collection is far from complete, I'm being graciously assisted in this project by several stitchers who are sharing photographs of their Redbird Designs stash.
As far as I know, the two shops that carry these designs are Stitches From the Heart in San Antonio, Texas, and 3 Stitches in Spring, Texas.
As far as I know, these designs are still in print.
I'll be updating this post as I receive photographs.
Bluebonnet Blooms, 2011
All Around Texas, 2012
Texas Rider, 2012
Texas Wildflower Fields, 2012
Gathering Bluebonnets, 2013
My Texas Shaker Sewing Box, 2013
Texas Market Bags, 2014
Bluebonnet Needlebook, 2016
Texas Impressions, 2017
Texas Bluebonnet Country (2011; photo courtesy of Joyce)
Banadana Blues (2012; photo courtesy of Joyce)
Texas Signs of Spring 1 (2015; photo courtesy of Joyce)
Texas Signs of Spring 2 (2015; photo courtesy of Joyce)
Texas Boots (2017; photo courtesy of Joyce)
A Texas Valentine (photo courtesy of Linda)
Texas Friends (photo courtesy of Linda)
Houston is Super in 2017 (photo courtesy of Linda)
Redbird's Spring Pinkeep (2014; photo courtesy of Kerry)
Deep in the Heart of Texas (2015; photo courtesy of Joyce)
As far as I know, the two shops that carry these designs are Stitches From the Heart in San Antonio, Texas, and 3 Stitches in Spring, Texas.
As far as I know, these designs are still in print.
I'll be updating this post as I receive photographs.
Bluebonnet Blooms, 2011
All Around Texas, 2012
Texas Rider, 2012
Texas Wildflower Fields, 2012
Gathering Bluebonnets, 2013
My Texas Shaker Sewing Box, 2013
Texas Market Bags, 2014
Bluebonnet Needlebook, 2016
Texas Impressions, 2017
Texas Bluebonnet Country (2011; photo courtesy of Joyce)
Banadana Blues (2012; photo courtesy of Joyce)
Texas Signs of Spring 1 (2015; photo courtesy of Joyce)
Texas Signs of Spring 2 (2015; photo courtesy of Joyce)
Texas Boots (2017; photo courtesy of Joyce)
A Texas Valentine (photo courtesy of Linda)
Texas Friends (photo courtesy of Linda)
Houston is Super in 2017 (photo courtesy of Linda)
Redbird's Spring Pinkeep (2014; photo courtesy of Kerry)
Deep in the Heart of Texas (2015; photo courtesy of Joyce)
Redbird Designs Catalog: Christmas
After receiving a lot of questions about Redbird Designs, I decided to put together a photo catalog of the designs as a reference for stitchers who are looking for them. Since my collection is far from complete, I'm being graciously assisted in this project by several stitchers who are sharing photographs of their Redbird Designs stash.
As far as I know, the two shops that carry these designs are Stitches From the Heart in San Antonio, Texas, and 3 Stitches in Spring, Texas.
As far as I know, these designs are still in print, unless otherwise noted.
I'll be updating this post as I receive photographs.
Top left: Joy Y'all, 2010
Top right: Bluebonnet Joy, 2011
Bottom left: Merry Texas, 2012
Bottom right: Santa's on his way to Texas!, 2015
Texas Christmas (2001; photo courtesy of Linda) OUT OF PRINT
A Texas Christmas Joy (2005; photo courtesy of Lois) OUT OF PRINT
The 12 Days of a Texas Christmas 3 (photo courtesy of Rita) OUT OF PRINT
A Western Christmas (2001; photo courtesy of Sandi) OUT OF PRINT
A Western Christmas 2 (2001; photo courtesy of Sandi) OUT OF PRINT
Peace, Love & Joy (2005; photo courtesy of Lois) OUT OF PRINT
As far as I know, the two shops that carry these designs are Stitches From the Heart in San Antonio, Texas, and 3 Stitches in Spring, Texas.
As far as I know, these designs are still in print, unless otherwise noted.
I'll be updating this post as I receive photographs.
Top left: Joy Y'all, 2010
Top right: Bluebonnet Joy, 2011
Bottom left: Merry Texas, 2012
Bottom right: Santa's on his way to Texas!, 2015
Texas Gingerbread Cowboy (2013)
Merry Y'all (2012; photo courtesy of Joyce)
Christmas in Texas (2004; photo courtesy of Rita) OUT OF PRINT
Texas Christmas (2001; photo courtesy of Linda) OUT OF PRINT
A Texas Christmas Joy (2005; photo courtesy of Lois) OUT OF PRINT
The 12 Days of a Texas Christmas 3 (photo courtesy of Rita) OUT OF PRINT
The 12 Days of a Texas Christmas 4 (photo courtesy of Lois) OUT OF PRINT
The 12 Days of a Texas Christmas (all photos courtesy of Joyce) ***newer version is IN PRINT
A Western Christmas (2001; photo courtesy of Sandi) OUT OF PRINT
A Western Christmas 2 (2001; photo courtesy of Sandi) OUT OF PRINT
Peace, Love & Joy (2005; photo courtesy of Lois) OUT OF PRINT
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