22 January 2025

Babies' First Snow!


Y'all. IT SNOWED. This is one of the most bonkers things I have ever seen in my life and I am over the moon! Really, I can't tell you how excited and happy we have been! For those who don't know what all the fuss is about, we're stationed on the Gulf Coast and we just experienced an historic winter storm that dumped snow along the coast from Texas to Florida. It's just unbelievable, in the most delightful way. Here's a look at what it's been like here over the past 24 hours.

It begins...

A gorgeous winter evening 

A glorious winter morning 

What a gift! I have missed this so much, and to experience it here, in the unlikeliest of places, is just sublime. I'm inspired to do a few winter posts this week, so come on back tomorrow and see my winter sewing room decorations. 

Happy Stitching!


  1. Io adoro la neve.
    Il paesaggio imbiancato attutisce anche i rumori.

  2. Happy for you. I love the snow too,especially the sound of it. Linda

    1. Linda, we were just talking about that last night, standing in the open doorway listening to the snow.

  3. What a wonderful treat for you! I know you have really missed winter weather where you are now, so this is very neat! Your pictures are beautiful, and your kitties seem to be interested as well. I'm glad you're enjoying the snow, and I look forward to seeing your winter decorations. Happy winter!

  4. Wonderful Snow pictures. No snow in my region, only wet weather. Enjoy the winter days.

  5. Enjoy your snow!
    We haven't had much yet here in WI.

  6. Love the snowy backdrop of the blog, Honeybee. When I started seeing pictures of the snow along the Gulf Coast, I thought of you immediately. I know that you are absolutely delighted by this historic event. I bet the babies were intrigued by it.

  7. How wonderful! I don't like driving in snow but it's pretty to look at from inside a warm house! The babies have gotten so big🥰

    1. We didn't dare get out on the roads with a bunch of folks who've never seen snow! Lol!

  8. Oh my goodness snow in your area, I bet Marigold and Butterfly loved seeing it.


  9. What beautiful pictures. I remember the first year we got snow in Texas, my poor dog was so confused, kept looking up at the sky like what on earth is this stuff. We didn't get much this year in TN, well not so far, but it was beautiful when we got it. I too, love how the world seems to get a stillness. stitchinrose
