26 August 2023

Birthday Girls!


We're a year old today!

On 29 October, we brought home two 9-week-old babies from our local rescue under their foster-to-adopt policy. Their litter had been brought in extremely sick and under weight, and they were so tiny and fragile. We could carry both of them in one hand. We spent that first night at the emergency vet.

They're thriving and are growing into delightfully chonky girls (almost 12 lbs!). Butterfly is finding her voice, and using it to be very bossy indeed. She fusses if we're not playing with the correct toy. Marigold is turning into quite the snuggler, especially when she's sleepy. She is also still incredibly soft, like a bunny. I think (?) they have their adults coats, but I'm not certain. They never really had a big shedding of their kitten coats, and I know some cats don't get their full adult coats until they're a couple of years old, so we'll see. They are sweet and affectionate and purr constantly.

Happy Birthday, girls! 


  1. Happy birthday to your kitties. They look so cute. I am sure you have a lot of fun with them.
    Greetings, Gabi

  2. Happy Birthday sweeties . Hugs June.

  3. Happy 1st Birthday to Butterfly & Marigold, they are so pretty!
    Hope you get some extra treats today!

  4. Happy birthday wishes to Butterfly and Marigold! They are precious, Honeybee!

  5. Happy Birthday sweet Marigold and Butterfly!!!

  6. They are precious! I love a good, heartwarming rescue story. All 4 of our kitties are recues and I think that makes them all that more amazing. Happy 1st Birthday to Marigold and Butterfly!

  7. Happy Birthday to the girls so beautiful and sweet looking.
    Thank-you for rescuing them instead of having them destroyed, so many are due to illness, our Blondie the cat is also a rescue she cost us a boat load of money the first week survived and is the best little girl we have ever had.


  8. Happy Birthday. How they have grown. Such beautiful girls.

  9. Happy Birthday beautiful babies!

  10. Happy 1st birthday to your beautiful kitties! Wonderful to see how they've grown and are doing so well.

  11. Happy birthday to the kitties! They look like bookends!
