15 October 2018

Fall has officially arrived

It never really feels like fall around here until Tiger Lily takes to her "donut," an old robe of mine that my mom made into a blanket for her. I coil it into a donut shape for her, and it's her favorite place to nap in cooler weather. Today was her first donut day, so fall has officially arrived on the East Coast. Next stop on her seasonal migration: the blizzard basket. (yikes!)

A few more peeks at my Halloween decorating in my sewing room. These little babies are from my mom. She makes their outfits using kits from Mary Maxim. Aren't they just the cutest? I am not a fan of the modern trend in Halloween decorations, so these babies are just about my speed: adorable.

Hope to be back soon with a few pics of my sewing room, and some stitchy stuff. 


  1. Love your baby dolls, and the pretty fox figurine, along with everything else :)

  2. I am not a big Halloween person, but your babies are just darling. Glad to hear that Tiger Lily has declared it fall!

  3. Very cute. In England we tend not to decorate for halloween, the most I will do (like most people here) is a pumpkin outside the front door on the night. x

  4. What a beauty Tiger Lily is in her donut!
    Great decorations.
    Gotta love the little Pumpkin Girl.

  5. OMG... those babies! Soooo cute! Tell your mom she is very talented! You're a lucky girl. :-)

    Love your Halloween finishes.


  6. Tiger Lily is such a sweetheart! I think I need a Blizzard Basket to hide in when the snow starts to fly LOL Love your Hallowe'en display, I'm also a fan of what I think of as "cute Hallowe'en", the vintage style when it was more about fun than fright. That Brooke's Books tea part is so boo-tiful, I love the fabric you chose!
