12 November 2019

A Snowy, Blustery Veterans Day

Veterans Day at our house was quiet and cozy inside and cold and snowy outside. Tiger Lily snuggled down in one of her many winter baskets, our favorite veteran Mr. Wonderful studied in his library, and I stitched away on a non-Christmas Open House project, because I am finally done stitching those! Hooray! It's been a challenging year, and there were times I wondered if I'd get them done, but I did. I hope to get most of the finishing done this week... fingers crossed. It's so nice to be stitching something without a deadline! 

Remember Mr. Bun from this summer? (see this post) He still visits his spot almost every day, even in snowy weather. I open the front door a bit and talk to him every morning. We're friends. Can you see him?

Here's my little project. Every now and then in my wanderings around the interwebs I stumble across something I have to stitch yesterday. This is one of those projects. The adorableness was irresistible. I hope to have a finish to show you later this week.

Tiger Lily and I will be unsupervised for a couple of days this week while Mr. Wonderful goes off to help protect the country. No telling what we'll get up to. Stay tuned! And stay warm!


  1. I spy a hat. Now, will it be residing on top of a snowman or something else? Look forward to seeing your finish, Honeybee! I am glad Mr. Bun is still visiting. Miss Tiger Lily looks quite content. No snow here, so I am just a tad envious!

  2. Very cute beginning whatever it is. Also lovely stitching on your fancy pumpkins. We had snow overnight and with the cooler temps, it will stay. Yes bundle up time is here!

  3. I feel that the snow has hit early this year over in America, I just hope it doesn't make it's way over here any time soon. Tiger Lily has the right idea.

  4. Awww Tiger Lily looks cute all snuggled up. My cats don't venture very far from their beds either in the Winter. Your snow looks very pretty, all we have is rain, rain and more rain, (sigh). Enjoy your unsupervised days :-)

  5. We had a tiny Bunny all winter by our house a few years ago, I named him Peanut.
    That looks like the start of a cute Snowman.s gone.

  6. Sounds like a lovely Veterans Day. How nice to have a visit from a bunny each morning! My dog LOVES to chase bunnies in our yard but doesn't want to catch them- he's very fast & if he gets too close, he slows down to let the bunny get ahead! I like the beginning of your stitch, so fun to find something you just have to stitch! Have a lovely week.

  7. Your snow is beautiful! We have a cold snap here too in SE TX. It went from the high 70's to a low of 26 here last night. Brrr! I look forward to seeing your little project on the petit point fabric.

  8. Our family private campground is full of bunnies. They are adorable. I love how yours visits and talks to you. Lovely new start.
