06 April 2023

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Meows

So here is a weird thing about the babies: they don't meow. They are very vocal and talk to us and each other quite a bit. They squeak, squeal, grunt, trill, and howl (yes), and we've even had a small bark (?), but they don't just meow. It's so odd. They even do this pathetic fake meow, where they "mouth" a meow but no sound comes out. They do it when they want something and are trying to be pitiful. Tiger Lily did this. It's so hilariously manipulative.

We've never had two cats before, let alone two kittens, and I'm wondering if this is common. Wondering if when they've been together since birth they develop a different language. I have no idea, we just find it so adorably weird.


  1. Oh my goodness, they are so sweet, my Blondie did not find her meow until she was about three, not sure why.


  2. Very interesting. Some day soon they will do. They are so sweet.

  3. How interesting, my cat Candy did meow and other strange sounds .
    She lived untill she was almost 20 , would follow me everywhere , When I took my little dog Poppy for a walk she would follow us all the way and back again.
    She would also bring her cat friends back for dinner . I could write a book about her , she was also very small , new everything very clever and so sweet.
    Enjoy your Easter , hugs June.

  4. I'm sure they will meow in time.
    They are so pretty!

  5. They are certainly beautiful wonders! Your day must be full of questions with these two. What
    A journey, enjoy. Happy Easter.
    Darlene N

  6. That is so interesting about Marigold and Butterfly. Wishing you, Mr. Wonderful and the babies a relaxing and blessed weekend.

  7. I understand that cats don't meow at each other, that is what they do to humans, maybe they don't need to talk to you...as the pitiful silent meow works. :0} May your family have a wonderful Easter.

  8. Were they feral when rescued? Feral cats don't meow; as the other commenter said, meowing is how cats communicate with humans. So if they had little to no contact with humans during their early weeks, they wouldn't have learned how to do so. They could also have been unsocialized with humans in their early weeks. Poor quality rescues don't bother giving one-on-one playtime and socialization to their charges and that can result in unusual behaviors.
    They may learn to meow as they get older and spend time with their trusted and loved humans, or they may not, if they figure out that their people can understand them without certain sounds!

    1. No, they weren't feral. Their mama was an outside kitty but she had people looking after her and was socialized, as were the kittens. They were surrendered to the rescue when they became extremely sick and the family wasn't able to care for them.

  9. Maybe like you said they have their own language. I love them just the same. Sweet babies. Have a wonderful Weekend. love to all. Lynda Ruth

  10. Maybe when they get older they will actually meow. My 3 are in the teens and 2 meow but their mama kinda clicks! She opens her mouth but a click comes out. She does that when she intercepts me coming down the hallway.

  11. My beautiful kitty Squeak never did meow and she lived to the ripe old age of 18. She squeaked (hence her name) and squawked and trilled and purred. Everything but meow. So it's probably more common than we think.

  12. We took in an entire litter of feral kittens including mum. They used to "talk" to us - if we said anything to them they would answer (along the lines of - if I look at her and miaow when she stops talking I'm sure I'll get something good!). It was 9months before we could touch any of them but they were wonderful after a couple of years, (a real case of patience being a virtue) stayed close to home and lived between 16 to 20 years with us. We had 5 plus mum - and one little one who had been put into the same rescue cage with them, she was just a little stray not wild. I think she was so relieved to be given a bit more space away from them when we took her also, but they all settled down together just fine. I still miss them all. Love your little ones, Elaine in UK

    1. What a sweet story, Elaine. We never get over them, do we?

  13. Neither of my cats meow either, they do the fake mouthing meow and the occasional squeak but thats all.
