07 June 2023

Fabric Fun


New fabrics have come to live at my house! Aren't these pretty?

I got this little pansy cushion chart and while I was at it, picked up the 32 ct. Weeks Lilac linen for it. This will be a project for next spring.

This is 32 ct. Weeks Red Pear. It's not quite as pink as it appears in the picture. This is for a Christmas Open House project.

And this is a new Zweigart fabric, or at least new to me, as I hadn't seen it before. It's 32 ct. white mini dots on green. It's also available in green dots on white, and white dots on blue. This will also be for a spring project next year.

Thank you for your well wishes on my last post. I'm not sick or anything like that, just wore slap out, as we say in my family. Translation for those who don't speak Texan: exhausted. But I'm chipping away at the house, albeit slower than I'd like, and I am stitching, and as you can see, I've managed enough strength to shop! 


  1. Wow love your new chart and fabric .
    Look forward to seeing your stitching with them.
    Yes we all get times like this , we work hard and play hard then our body says that's enougth
    Take it easy for a while .
    Enjoy your week hugs June.

  2. I love pansies! That is quite cute.

  3. The fabrics are awesome.
    I Love that Pansy design, so very pretty.
    Don't overdo it, organizing a house is exhausting work.
    Take 1 step at a time, you will get it done!

  4. I love those fabrics. I can't wait to see the projects that use them. That pansy cushion is very pretty.

  5. What a wonderful assortment of fabrics that came to live at your house, Honeybee! I look forward to seeing what you will be creating with them down the road. Happy Thursday!

  6. Where did you get the Zweigart white dot on green? 123Stitch has some, but not green.

    1. The Cottage Needle shop on Etsy. Might be available in other shops but I haven't checked.

    2. Honeybee: Beautiful choice of new stash fabric.
      Love the Just Nan design.

