10 June 2023

Saturday Sampler: Werewolf Edition

Y'all, look at the size of these girls. They'll be 10 months old at the end of the month and are both pushing 10 pounds. Hard to believe that for some time after we got them we were fighting for every ounce. I had a fatigue/relief breakdown when I finally got them to 3 pounds. It felt like such a milestone. And now, what sturdy little beasts! We call them "the werewolves" because, well, look at 'em. Our precious Tiger Lily was so light and beautiful, and these two are dark and wild-looking, with fuzzy "werewolf paws" and they make such weird noises. Butterfly even howls!

So that's the baby update. The house update is that I'm still working on it. *sigh* We need to have a party when I get it done. I'll let you know, and we can all buy stash to celebrate. How does that sound?


  1. Wow they are growing ,still so cute .
    Good to here you are almost there , yes a stash party great idea .
    Have a great Sunday .

  2. They are so beautiful.
    Love those furry bits between the toes.
    Yes, I will celebrate with you!

  3. Count me in on the celebration! The girls are beautiful! You did such a good job to get them to where they are . Enjoy your week
    Darlene N

  4. Thanks for the giggle, Honeybee! The babies are adorable and I love their coloring. Count me in for your celebration! Then I can blame you for any stash acquisitions! Happy Sunday!

  5. Ha ha! Love your photos of the werewolves. They are precious! The house will be an ongoing process over your life there. Let yourself breathe. Best to you and your husband.

  6. We got our 2 boys (grey tabbies - grey tigers we call them) in January and they're a month older than your 2 girls. We're experiencing all the fun too! Watching them learn windows and then join the neighborhood watch has been a hoot. Mine are coming in at 9.5 lb (Bobbin) and 11.5 lb (Scissors), so they're big boys. And yep, I might be a quilter and their foster mama is also a quilter, hence the names.

  7. Your kitties look wonderful, and their fur is gorgeous! So good to hear that they are healthy and doing well. It must be so fun to watch them grow and change. Continued good luck getting your house all together, I know that's a big undertaking. I like your idea of a stash party to celebrate when you're done! Have a great weekend!

  8. Hi Honeybee. I know I'm late to the party but I have been trying to get everything I need to start Playing with Jax in your purple version. I have the pattern and your color conversions, however I am still missing the alternative center pumpkin. I have looked on Cricket's website, no longer available, and have not been able to find it elsewhere. Can you help me get what I need to stitch this, or point me in the right direction?

  9. Honeybee: They are such beauties, the colors of both are stunning, their faces are so beautiful.
    I can understand about you both working so hard to get them some weight on, we had a baby cat that was abandoned at four weeks, we had to feed every two hours, I was still work as was Mike, she is now a healthy 12 pound.
    Thank-you for sharing these beauties with us.
    Good luck on the house, I am in on the stash buying, how about we all show what we bought to celebrate after you get all organized.

