30 November 2023

A Word of Thanks


I'm still here! Even though I haven't posted in a while (longer than usual), y'all have been on my mind. I want to thank all of you who still visit and read and leave such lovely comments. Thank you for sticking with me during what has been a pretty sparse stitching year. Actually, I've been stitching like a mad woman, but all I've had time for since the move has been Open House stitching, which I can't share (yet). So you've been getting kitties and occasional stash updates and little else for months. Thank you so much for still being here.

We've had a couple of rough Christmases around here these last two years, and we decided to really lean into it this year. We started decorating and shopping at the beginning of November, so our decorations and tree have been up for several weeks. It's a good thing we did because with Mr. Wonderful's squadron things are extremely busy and getting busier. I like slow, quiet holidays, but his position requires us to be present at a lot of events, so there's been more to-ing and fro-ing than usual. 

Only last night I put the final stitches into this year's Christmas Open House. I still have framing/finishing, photographing, and blogging yet to do. I'm cutting it closer than I'd like time-wise, but it's been that kind of a year. But now I'll be able to stitch at a more enjoyable pace and actually share what I'm working on. 

The girls are thriving. They're going to the vet next week for their shots and I'm hoping we don't get fussed at for being over 12.5 lbs each. They don't eat too much and they're not overweight, they're just... sturdy. Sweet Tiger Lily may have hit 10 lbs for a minute in her prime, but she was mostly in the 9+ lb range, so this is a new experience for us. Fingers crossed we don't get in trouble!

So that's a bit of what's been going on around here. I've been pretty quiet, but I've been pretty busy, and I wanted to thank you for still being here and assure you we. are. not. skipping. Christmas!

Stay tuned!


  1. I was beginning to get worried about y'all! Glad to hear that all is well.

  2. Love the Christmas Open House! Thank you for putting it together again.

  3. It’s always a pleasure to see a new post from you. Can’t wait for the OpenHouse !

  4. Lovely decor, good to see you today.
    I also get busy with hubby and going with him on duties , in what he does , so time is always
    short , hugs June.

  5. It was nice to have a post from you, and find out that everything is okay w/ your family (especially kitties!). I look forward to your Christmas Open House.

  6. Am always happy to see when you have a new blog entry up! I know you would never complain about it, but you are a good mate to your husband, as I am sure he is to you. Not everyone could go along with all of the moves and events. From all I can tell from your writings you are a very nice couple.
    Happy Holidays!

    1. Aw, Linda, that is so kind of you. Thank you.

  7. Glad all is ok. Looking forward to your open house!
    Darlene N

  8. A happy healthy housecat is 12-15 pounds. your girls are fine. My boys are about the same age and they are 12-15ish.

    1. Good to know! I've been seeing about 10 lbs and we blew past that a while ago, lol! Hope our vet agrees! ;O)

  9. It's so great to see your post! I have been thinking about you and hoping all was well. We have four kitties and the youngest one is such a big boy but so far the vet has not said anything. Here's hoping nothing is said about your precious girls. Looking forward (as always) to your open house!

  10. love reading your blog, seeing your finishes and meeting the kitties Robyn Australia

  11. I was so happy to see your post, and hear that all is well with you both and your kitties. I always enjoy your posts, whether you show your lovely stitching, stash enhancements, or your kittens. I look forward to seeing your Christmas Open House each year and I appreciate all the time and effort that goes into it. It's fun that you decorated for Christmas a bit earlier this year. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season. Happy December!

    1. Thank you so much, Mary! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season as well!

  12. Sometimes life gets busy.
    Can't wait for Open House!
    That's probably a normal weight for that breed of cat.
    We are all still here!
    Take care.

  13. I understand how life gets in the way of stitching. I had to change jobs at the same company this year, and I haven’t felt up to stitching. I’m hoping 2024 is better. I love your blog, especially the Holiday Open House.

    Wishing you a happy Christmas! Patti (Alansmom)

  14. Hope the girls have a good vet visit and keeping my fingers crossed there isn't much fussing. It is always good to see a new post from you, dear Honeybee. You have been on my mind lately as I know you are prepping for your Open House along with all the curveballs you have had over the last couple years.

  15. Looking forward to seeing your open house

  16. So happy to hear everything is OK with you and yours. Looking forward to open house. God bless
