27 February 2024

Unsupervised: Pie for Breakfast


It's just us girls this week as Mr. Wonderful is TDY and we are unsupervised! I got the house cleaned last week, and spent Monday in the kitchen getting my meals sorted, and now I'm ready to spend the week catching up on some framing. So far, I've managed to frame one 5 x 3 piece, so I'm not exactly off to a blazing start, but start I have. It always takes me a while to get going if I haven't done it in a long time, and hopefully I can make a dent in the finishes box this week.

This is Just Nan's Flowering Crown.

I have sooo much work to do.

And that's just the small pieces I have frames for. I have a frame stash that I've collected over the years. I always keep an eye out for sale/clearance frames, especially ones in non-standard sizes. Those are hard to find, but sometimes you do run across them.

I've got some larger pieces that will require custom frames, but I think I may have found a source for those. I can do the framing myself, which saves a huge amount of money, it's just a matter of gritting my teeth and spending the money on the frames. I know, I know. We deserve to have our needlework out where we can enjoy it, not living in a box or a drawer. I don't know why I don't have a problem buying hand dyed linen and threads for a project, but balk at a custom frame. Doesn't make any sense to stop on the last step of the process, but there it is. I guess I'm weird and need to change my thinking! Anyway, that's the framing. 

And then there's the finishing pile. Yikes. I'm three years behind on annual Christmas ornaments. And lots of other stuff. *sigh* Let's move on to food.

Chicken Spaghetti is one of my favorite comfort foods. I use Pioneer Woman's recipe, with just a few tweaks. The full recipe makes two 9 x 13 pans, if you need to take food to someone and also make supper for your own family. It's easy to halve the recipe if you don't need that much.

I also made myself some pie, because why wouldn't I? This is an old favorite I haven't made in years. My little recipe book calls it Chocolate Truffle Cream Pie, but this is the same recipe. I am a big fan of dark chocolate, but if you're not, I suppose you could make it with different chocolate. I used Ghirardelli 60% cacao chips. The only other ingredients are marshmallows, milk, and cream. It's lovely and smooth and chocolatey, and not overly sweet.

Will I be eating pie for breakfast at least once this week? Why, yes. Yes, I will.

Back in a few days with more framing. Leaving you with this:

Unauthorized access to my foam core


  1. I love the Flowering Crown! I have many of my informed pieces hanging on a quilt rack. At least they aren't in a drawer!

  2. I love the Flowering Crown and look forward to seeing the other pieces once you've framed them. I also buy frames as you do - as and when, and hope they will fit one of my stitchies. I think you have more than me though......enjoy the break from routine - I used to love the short breaks I had when my husband (Royal Navy) was away. I felt as I used to when I'd been given a day off school! When I told him he said he felt pretty much the same!

    1. I try to use them to get stuff done I usually don't have time for. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!

  3. Just love your Just Nan stitching , I love the pretty design.
    Your framing looks great . Have fun hugs June.

  4. The frame is great, & the others look good too.
    OMG! Those recipes look delicious, thanks for the links.
    Looks like a kitty left her stamp!
    Have a great unsupervised week!

    1. I can guarantee it was Marigold! She's a terror!

  5. Good luck on your framing and other finishes. It can be daunting if you leave it, which you did,
    Pie for breakfast , oh yes! Someone was a naughty kitty! Enjoy your day. Darlene N

  6. Pie for breakfast happens here 4-5 times a year. Thanks for sharing both recipes. Both look simply fantastic. Your Just Nan crown piece looks fabulous framed, Honeybee. I look forward to seeing more in the pictures you shared all framed.

  7. Some kitties been naughty. Love the stitching. hugs Lynda Ruth

  8. Enjoy your "me" time! And chuckling over your last photo . . . .

  9. Love the Just Nan piece! And as for the chicken spaghetti recipe, is there a way to print it? I couldn't find it if there was. tpatterson1961@gmail.com

    1. There's a little printer icon just to the right of the envelope/email icon.

  10. My great-grandmother was born Mennonite, and passed her recipe for Funny Cake to my Gram and I have it now. Gram said her mom said it was made for "early breakfast", a quick slice to grab on the way out to do chores before coming back in for "big breakfast". It bakes up like a cake, with a fudgy layer, in a pie crust. Her recipe made 4 pies, which I guess makes sense for large farm families.

  11. It sounds like a fun week with your kitties and a chance to work on some framing and finishing. I love your Flowering Crown piece, and the framing looks great. It's so neat that you have so many frames ready to go. Thank you for the recipes; the chicken spaghetti and the pie both look delicious. That's so funny about the unauthorized access to the foam core-I guess Marigold ( I saw from your response to comments) just couldn't resist! Hope you're having a fun week. Happy Leap Day!

  12. Sounds like you have a boat load of framing to do, I too keep an eye out for frames, they are so expensive, I get 90% of mine at second hand stores. Your chicken spaghetti and pie look yummy, I too would eat pie for breakfast.
    I have a munchkin that loves my foam core I have to keep an eye on her when she is in the sewing room.


    1. I guess foam core is just nice and crunchy! :O)

  13. The Just Nan Crown is beautiful. I love the frame you chose. It is ready in time for Spring. I have only framed one of my pieces myself. I often make standing placards or pillows. Do you lace the pieces around the foam core? I look forward to seeing all the other finishes. That chocolate pie looks delicious. I love dark chocolate.

    1. Thanks, Cathie! I pin, and leave the pins in.

  14. Beautiful stitching. I too hate framing, for me it is frustrating. I look for frames at garage sale, had 2 big bins full available at a church garage sale. Felt like I found gold. My kitties too, will chew on cardboard and since we always have a couple boxes out for them to play with, which they love, we keep an eye on them. But their favorite it amazon tape on boxes, we have to make sure we take it off. Silly things.

    1. Oh, I don't hate it, I just never get it done! :O)
