20 December 2022

Heaven and Nature Sing! The Third Day

Starting off with a critter friend here on day three. This precious fawn, curled up resting underneath the tree. Remember that paw print paper punch? Ideal for the spots on a baby deer.

Another favorite of mine, the Goldfinch, with their beautiful, vivid yellow and black.

How do y'all like my grumpy Great Horned Owl? I love hearing these at night. We heard them occasionally when we were stationed on the East Coast, and I was delighted to hear one not long ago here. Such an arresting sound to hear on a quiet night.

The humble House Sparrow. But we managed to jazz her up a bit with some glitter! And she gets a lovely freebie tribute!

Is there anyone who doesn't like Hummingbirds? Exquisite little things. This one was really fun to make because I could go over the top with glitter! The thing I like best about these patterns is how well she captures the shape of the bird. Doesn't that just look like a real hummingbird sitting on the branch?

I considered using clear sewing thread to attach hangers to my birds, and you could certainly do that, but instead I opted to glue a bit of pipe cleaner to the back so I could perch them on the branches. This has the added benefit of making sure they stay put. I moved this tree, fully decorated, from one room to another and nothing budged.


Our third main dish option for this week is a ridiculously easy slow cooker recipe for taco meat that you can toss together in minutes. It is so good! The recipe calls for cooking the meat in the slow cooker, but I always pre-cook mine. I have relied on this recipe a lot in recent months. 


Hope y'all are enjoying the week. Back tomorrow with lots of little grey friends, and a slow cooker side I do two ways.


  1. Merry Christmas Honeybee: This is so much fun seeing day by day your beautiful birds, thank-you for sharing, I like the pipe cleaner on the back, great idea.
    Thank-you for the link to the freebies and her beautiful designs.


  2. Each bird is crafted beautifully! You have an amazing talent! Merry Christmas!

  3. Love your ornaments of nature . Happy Christmas.

  4. These birds are so pretty & authentic.
    We love the little Hummingbirds that come back every year.
    Do you back these with a thin cardboard?

    1. You could do that. I didn't. They end up being fairly stiff if you use scrapbook paper, as each bird is usually at least two layers.

  5. Another beautiful lineup! They are pretty awesome all of them , but that owl! I love hearing them too.
    Darlene N

  6. Each bird featured today is a beauty. That fawn is adorable. Very clever using the pipe cleaner on the back to perch them on the tree. Thank you for the links especially for the taco meat. It sounds yummy!
